Back in the beginning of July 2017, Konisha and Wesley’s paths crossed on Penn Avenue, in Pittsburgh PA. With one very Nervous roommate, they met up for the first time on the 27th of July. Just a few weeks after they started talking, they agreed to a simple dinner at the Subway in Market Square and a movie in the command room at her dorm building. After that one night, they both knew that they were meant to spend the rest of their lives together.
It may have been easy in the beginning but wasn't so easy all the time. Once Konisha moved back home to West Sunbury Pa from school and Wesley being down in Bethel Park PA, that distance made it difficult to be able to spend the time together that they would have liked too. But they made it work for the last several years by making time for one another. They spent all the weekends, all the vacations, all the holidays, and even all the late night school projects that Wesley had kept Konisha awake working on for 4 years while he was at Pitt becoming an Electrical Engineer. They stayed by each other's side for it all.
Once Wesley knew that he was ready to propose, he immediately reached out to the best friends for advice for how to design the ring back in October of 2023. Wesley worked for months with a jeweler on making the Perfect ring for Konisha. Once the ring was completed back in March of 2024, Wesley's next job was to find the perfect way to ask Konisha to marry him. Wesley knew he wanted to wait until after graduation and once he found a new job, he came up with a plan. Wesley decided that the new job would be a great cover for a trip away. He booked a luxury Gateway cabin in Cook Forest, Pa for the weekend of August 30th to September 2nd. On the drive up Friday night after we both worked a long day, Wes had told Konisha that they were making a stop at a waterfall called Rapp Run Falls that they found the first time they stayed in Cook Forest back in July of 2019. They made the short walk crossing the water to the center flat rock where Wesley had gotten on one knee and asked Konisha to marry him and she said Yes. He had surprised Konisha with the proposal and a photographer that had captured the whole night for the couple to look back upon years to come. The couple plans to visit that location every 5 years until the end of time.
As a young couple they are working on figuring out how to navigate this big world. In the 7 years of them being together, they have been through it all, all the obstacles that one couple can see in a lifetime, they have overcome most of them with the years they have spent together. As we all get closer to this magical day, these two will vow to each other to be together and by each other side for all there lifetime and beyond.